Tiling Tips

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Cleaning & Maintenance of Tiles

Disclaimer : The points listed below are a general guide on cleaning & maintance on tiles and may not be applicable to every application. Expert advice from your local tile specialist is reccomended. 

Glazed tiles

  • Glazed tiles simply need to be wiped with a damp cloth or sponge to maintain their shine.
  • Do not use abrasive cleaners.
    Soap should also not be used as it leaves a film on the tiles that dulls the lustre and promotes the growth of mildew in damp areas.
  • Any cleaning solution should always be thoroughly rinsed off with clean water.
  • Glazed tiles require no polishing or buffing to maintain their finish. The only exception may be terracotta or quarry tiles which could be oiled, waxed or sealed.
  • Soiled grout can be cleaned with a plastic bristle brush. Do not use steel wool as minute particles remain behind and rust in the surface of the grout, producing unsightly stains.


  • Shower areas require a weekly thorough cleaning to remove hard-water deposits, soap scum and traces of bath oils.
  • Showers should also be well ventilated in order for them to dry out thoroughly to prevent the growth of mildew on walls and floors
  • Mildew can further be controlled by spraying or wiping the mildew down with mild household bleach.

Unglazed tiles

  • Unglazed floor tiles and terracotta tiles can be cleaned with the same solutions used for glazed tiles above. 
  • Do not use powdered cleaners as undissolved powder penetrates the pores and dulls the tiles.
  • Sealers are recommended on unglazed tiles.
  • Where required in residential situations, the manufacturer’s instructions should be followed.
  • With normal use, sealers usually do not last longer than three or four years and re-sealing may be required